Program Structure

The program recognizes the critical role parents and caregivers play in a child's emotional development. It fosters a collaborative partnership between children, parents, and educators to create a supportive and nurturing environment for emotional learning.

Week Module Details Week Module Details
1 Parent Orientation 8 Mid Program Review - Learner
1 Learner Orientation 9 Self Motivation
1 Group Immersion with Boundless Minds Expert 10 Assertiveness
2 Emotional / Feelings Vocabulary 11 Focus
3 Ability to identify and Label emotions 12 Group Immersion with Boundless Minds Expert
4 Group Immersion with Boundless Minds Expert 13 Digital Engagement
5 Self Care 14 Empathy & Compassion
6 Confidence 15 Resilience
7 Emotional Expression 16 Group Immersion with Boundless Minds Expert
8 Group Immersion with Boundless Minds Expert 16 Post Program Parent de-brief
Module Why is it needed
Week 1 Group Insights Immersion Context Setting for the Learner, what to expect in the program, what are the key expectations from the learner, cover parts of the Module 1 on Emotional Vocabulary to get them started
Week 2 Emotional / Feelings Vocabulary Developing emotional and feelings vocabulary is essential for children aged 8-15. It enables them to understand, express and regulate their emotions effectively, improve their social skills, and empathize with others. Moreover, it enhances academic performance, leading to better focus and concentration.
Week 3 Ability to identify and Label emotions Labeling emotions is a process of recognizing and assigning words or names to emotional experiences. It aids in emotional regulation, understanding, and communication. This process enables individuals to develop a more precise emotional vocabulary and better comprehend their emotional experiences. Research suggests that labeling emotions has positive effects on mental health and well-being. Accurately labeling emotions can assist individuals in managing their emotions, coping with stress, and improving their emotional awareness. It has also been linked to reduced anxiety and depression symptoms and enhanced interpersonal relationships. Therefore, labeling emotions is a vital component of emotional intelligence and can benefit an individual in various ways
Week 4 Group Insights Immersion Group Immerison session with Behavioural Experts from the Boundless Minds team to discuss key tools and exercises coverd in modules 2-3 and build on group learning
Week 5 Self Care Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health, emotional health and social relationships and health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.
Week 6 Confidence Confidence is a belief in oneself, the conviction that one has the ability to meet life's challenges and to succeed—and the willingness to act accordingly.
Week 7 Emotional Expression Emotional expression is a behavior that conveys the emotional state of an individual and can be either conscious or unconscious. Emotion expression conveys information about our needs - negative emotions can signal that a need has not been met and positive emotions signal that it has been met. Emotional expression is often considered the “grammar of social living” . Emotional expression can be viewed as a form of disclosure and sign of trust thus promoting intimacy. When individuals experience crises and trauma, emotional expression is the coping mechanism that leads to better mental health following the event.
Week 8 Group Insights Immersion Group Immerison session with Behavioural Experts from the Boundless Minds team to discuss key tools and exercises coverd in modules 5-7 and build on group learning
Week 9 Self Motivation Self-motivation is what drives us to do things. Self-motivation is therefore fundamental to helping you achieve your goals, succeed at studies and pursue the sport or music of your choosing. There are times when we have a hard time to keep ourselves motivated and feel low and unable to pursue our tasks. Understanding what motivates you and  the ways to boost your motivation can be very useful in getting you out of the slump and move you decisively towards your goals. Self motivation also allows to understand and pursue the choices that are truly motivating for us
Week 10 Assertiveness Assertiveness is a way of communicating that expresses your needs, opinions and emotions in an honest and respectful way. it means being self-assured and confident without either aggressively threatening the rights of another (assuming a position of dominance) or submissively permitting another to ignore or deny one's rights or point of view. Unassertive behaviour can lead to low self esteem. Our environment can make it difficult for us to be assertive. Sometimes we have beliefs and assumptions about ourselves, other people and the world that can make it difficult for us to be assertive.
Week 11 Focus Focus is essential for children, it enables them to concentrate on tasks, process information, and retain knowledge better. It promotes academic success, enhances learning abilities, and improves problem-solving skills. Additionally, focus improves social skills, self-regulation, and emotional control, leading to better mental health outcomes. Therefore, fostering focus is crucial for children's personal and academic growth
Week 12 Group Insights Immersion Group Immerison session with Behavioural Experts from the Boundless Minds team to discuss key tools and exercises coverd in modules 9-11 and build on group learning
Week 13 Digital Engagement As you can see around you, digital technologies are a part of everything you do - be it education, entertainment or social connections. And all of us make use of a range of information and communication technologies. Across the world, children spend more time online than ever before and at younger ages, With this expansion of Internet use, you can also make use of the vast array of online opportunities. Equally, you are constantly exposed to different online risks. Understanding how to engage with the digital technologies and tools thus helps us make the best of potential opportunities and also circumvent the risks
Week 14 Empathy and Compassion Empathy is the ability to understand others' emotions. At a deeper level, it is about defining, understanding, and responding to the concerns and needs that underlie others' emotional responses and reactions. If you open yourself to empathy, you’re allowing yourself to listen across difference. Empathy keeps us from discounting and dismissing others.
Week 15 Resilience Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.When people are more relaxed and resilient they have an increased capacity for human connection and creative problem-solving. Equipped with effective strategies for self-regulation and recovery, people who are equppied are able to sustainably work towards positive change for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Week 16 Group Insights Immersion Group Immerison session with Behavioural Experts from the Boundless Minds team to discuss key tools and exercises coverd in modules 12-15 and build on group learning